textron lycoming Parts

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Part or NSN:
Page #8 of 180
Part Description / Name
ES10-349971 Bendix 10-349971 (If used for Bendix P/N's 10-349971, with Right Hand S200, S1200 series magneto.) Silver Cadmium Breaker Assembly
ES10-349970 Bendix 10-349970 (If used for Bendix P/N's 10-349970, with Left Hand S1200 series magneto.) Silver Cadmium Breaker Assembly
ES10-382790-1 Bendix 10-382790 or 10-382790-1 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-382790, 10-382790-1 with D2000, D3000 series magneto.) Magneto Coil
ES10-382588-1 Bendix 10-382588 or 10-382588-1 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-382588, 10-382588-1 with D2000, D3000 series magneto.) Magneto Coil
ES10-357165-1 Bendix 10-357165 or 10-357165-1 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-357165-1, 10-3571165 with S20, S200 series magneto.) Magneto Coil
ES10-357164-1 Bendix 10-357164 or 10-357164-1 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-357164-1, 10-3571164 with S20 series magneto.) Magneto Coil
ES10-391088-1 Bendix 10-391088-1 10-391088 (If used for Bendix P/N's 10-391088-1, 10-391088, with S1200 series magneto.) Coil
ES10-382807 Bendix 10-382807-1 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-382807-1 with X32000, D2200 series magneto.) Capacitor
ES10-382681-1 Bendix 10-382681-1 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-382681-1 with D2000, D2200 series magneto.) Capacitor
ES10-381681 Bendix 10-382681 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-382681 with D2000, D2200 series magneto.) Capacitor
ES10-357281 Bendix 10-357281 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-357281 with S20, S200, S600, & S1200 series magneto.) Capacitor
ES10-349276 Bendix 10-349276 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-349276 with S1200 series magneto.) Capacitor
ES10-382622 Bendix 10-382622 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-382522 with S20, S200, 5200, & S1200, D2000, D2200, D3000, D3200, series magneto.) Contact Assy
ES10-382585 Bendix 10-382585 (If used in Bendix P/N 10-382585 with S20, S200, 5200, & S1200, D2000, D2200, D3000, D3200, series magneto.) Contact Assy
ES10-382584 Bendix 1O-382584 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-357174 with S20, S200, S600, & S1200 series magneto.) Contact Assy
ES10-357174 Bendix 10-357174 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-357174 with S20 series magneto.) Contact Assy
ES10-357173 Bendix 10-357173 (If used for Bendix P/N 10-357173 with S20 series magneto.) Contact Assy
759 Eligible for use with Ward Aero magneto coil P/N 652 and magneto. (S-20, S-200 type) Primary Windings
736 Bendix Scintilla 10-357078 S-20, S-200 magneto Bushing
746 P/N 746 when P/N 652 coil used in conjunction with Ward Aero Leads P/N's 746 & 745 and S20, S200 series magneto. Lead
745 P/N 745 when P/N 652 coil used in conjunction with Ward Aero Leads P/N's 746 & 745 and S20, S200 series magneto. Lead
652 Bendix Coils 10-357165 & 10-357164 (When 652 coil used in conjunction with Ward Aero Leads P/N's 746 & 745 and S20, S200 series magneto.) Magneto Coil
AA215CC Airborne P/N 211CC and P/N 215CC Dry Air Pump
AA211CC Airborne P/N 211CC Dry Air Pump
AA241CC-15 Airborne P/N 241CC-15 Dry Air Pump
AA241CC-13 Airborne P/N 241CC-13 Dry Air Pump
AA442CW-6 Airborne P/N 442CW-6 Dry Air Pump
AA442CW Airborne P/N 442CW Dry Air Pump
AA441CC-11 Airborne P/N 441CC-11 Dry Air Pump
AA441CC-7 Airborne P/N 441CC-7 Dry Air Pump
AA212CW Airborne P/N 212CW Dry Air Pump
AA211CC-9 Airborne P/N 211CC-9 Dry Air Pump
AA211CC Airborne P/N 211CC Dry Air Pump
ES3307 Champion Aerospace/Unison/ Slick P/N K3307 Gasket Pressure Kit
ES3740 Champion Aerospace/Unison/ Slick P/N M3740 Contact Point Secondary
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